Adaptive change in the NHS - Revisited

I wrote Adaptive change in the NHS - a missing conversation three months ago. It is about the Wachter Report on NHS digital transformation (published in September 2016), its emphasis on the idea of Adaptive Change and this quote...

We have made this point earlier and re-emphasise it here because it is our overarching message, the message that weaves together all the threads. Even after NPfIT, we do not believe the lessons of adaptive change have been fully learnt, and this may well be the greatest threat to the current efforts to digitise the NHS.

I've just searched Twitter for "NHS adaptive change". I found 19 tweets since the report was issued (half by me). Other related searches on Twitter and Google don't find much more. If there were a conversation, I'd expect to find echoes of it on the Internet.

If we are about to spend £4bn on an NHS IT programme and a well-respected team of reviewers appointed by the NHS has raised this as the "the greatest threat to the current efforts to digitise the NHS" - shouldn't it be on everyone's lips?